Focus Area - Our services towards mainstreaming disabled children

For Hearing Impaired Children

Speech and Language Therapy

School is having well equipped Audiology Centre with Experts. When the hearing impaired child is brought to the institution level of Hearing loss will be assessed and fitted with proper advanced quality hearing Aids. Training on localization of sound, Developing Speech and Training on language will be given to children in the pre school training. Parental involvement and training made in this process. Later those children will be mainstreamed and educated with normal children. Along with formal education these children will be provided resource room teaching which will help them to enhance their subject knowledge.

For Orthopedic Challenged children


Physiotherapy services are provided for loco-motor disabled children involving both neuro and orthopedic conditions (Cerebral Palsy, Erb’s Palsy, Scoliosis, Genuvalgum, Genuvarum , Pesplanus etc,) at  school. The treatment protocol is combinative therapy involving neuro development therapy, neural behavioral therapy, Bobath techniques and movement therapy.   Physiotherapy department is equipped with Hydrotherapy Smart Pool, Blood Circulatory Massager, Parallel Bar, Sensory Pool, Pediatric Ball etc.

For Autistic Children

We have started SDM Mangala Jyothi Centre for Autistic children in the academic year 2010-11 for the mainstreaming of Autistic children .Various trainings and therapies are given to Autistic children to bring them to mainstream of the society. Behavioral therapy, Structured teaching therapy, Social Skills therapy, Play therapy are given to train children. In addition to that we also provide Yoga Therapy and Music therapy to improve their concentration and coordination level. Speech therapy is given to these children to develop speech skills. Self help techniques training is given to them to improve their quality of life.

For Mentally retarded Children

Mild level mentally retarded children are admitted in the school and they are also mainstreamed through integrated education. Speech therapy, occupational therapy and training in daily living skill given to those children in the process of integrated education.

For learning disabled children

Activity oriented, child centered approach is used for the education of children with the problem of learning disability at our centre. More encouragement is given to their extra curricular talents like Music, Sports, Games, Painting etc.

Integrated school :

The challenged children are integrated with the normal children in the ratio of 1:2. State syllabus is followed with the Kannada medium.

Resource teaching

Resource teaching is providing extra training to disabled children in subjects like Science, Mathematics and Social Science by specially trained teachers and subject experts.

Financial assistance for higher education

We have scholarship programme for the disabled children who go for higher education after SSLC.

Vocational trainings

Vocational trainings are designed to enable a disabled person to secure and retain suitable employment. Vocational skills are provided in  Animation, Video Editing, Mobile phone repair ,book binding, tailoring, painting, embroidery, art and crafts, typewriting, computer education, Rexine bag making, Diploma in Electronics. Challenged children are encouraged to acquire Vocational skills in accordance with their aptitude. The school also strives for gainful placements for its trained students.

Follow up till the placement

We have initiated programme for the follow up of our specially privileged students and trainees after their completion of course. This programme will try to get placement and other support to the needy.

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SDM Mangalajyothi Integrated School, Vamanjoor
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